Homoeonic Evolution MXLC Front
  • Homoeonic Evolution MXLC Front

Homoeonic MXLC



It is an instrument that can make simple and complex electronic homeopathic remedies from rates provided with the instrument. It can reproduce frequencies that can be broadcast through the instrument to any patient anywhere in the world, using a blood or hair sample as “witness”. It can diagnose, analyze and prescribe remedies.

It comes supplied with thousands of frequencies, for organs, tissues, muscles, bones, remedies, homeopathic remedies, and psychological and mental conditions.

100% secure payments

It is an instrument that can make simple and complex electronic homeopathic remedies from rates provided with the instrument. It can reproduce frequencies that can be broadcast through the instrument to any patient anywhere in the world, using a blood or hair sample as “witness”. It can diagnose, analyze and prescribe remedies.

It comes supplied with thousands of frequencies, for organs, tissues, muscles, bones, remedies, homeopathic remedies, and psychological and mental conditions.

The 20 regulators can be tuned to one or more remedies simultaneously, to target specific areas and conditions of the body. There are thousands of homeopathic remedies, and you can create your own complex remedies. There are 12 levels of operation ranging from the physical through mental, emotional, all the way up to cosmic energy levels. Any of these levels may be tested for best function by means of dials and set to balance energy as required.

It has an inbuilt electronic card system for storage of patient details or remedies: these cards are re-writeable.

  • Four built-in memories
  • Potencies available: X or D, C, M, MM (1X to 999,999MM).
  • The LM potencies of Dr. S. Hahnemann (1:50,000).
  • Cup capacity 100 ml.
  • 4 external ports to connect external accessories.
  • Mains Voltage 110 Volt/220 Volt.
  • Accessories supplied – Pendulum, scanner, hand electrode, 15 ECS cards, 50 witness envelopes.
  • This instrument is fully equipped for traveling. Its 20 Regulators allow you to create energetic and homeopathic remedies to any potency, perform analysis, diagnosis, therapy, and broadcast.
  • The design is made like a briefcase to facilitate transporting it safely and conveniently.